2024 Tryout Information
Welcome Bruins! We are so excited to welcome new members to Mock Trial @ UCLA. Below, please find Fall 2024-25 Tryout instructions.
Information Sessions
Attending an information session is mandatory. We will be hosting two information sessions.
Information Session 1: Thursday September 26th in person (location will be posted on Instagram closer to the date)
Information Session 2: Thursday October 3rd on zoom (link will be posted on Instagram day of)
Tryout Process
STEP 1: Fill out the Application Form (click the button below) By Tuesday October 8th. The application will also contain a few questions to help us get to know you a bit better before you try out. The application form will also have a link to a second sign-up form where you will be able to pick and choose a sign-up date and time. You should receive a confirmation email with that date and time. Contact us if that is not the case.
STEP 2: After that, start preparing the four audition components: (1) Opening, (2) Debate, (3) Witness Monologue, and (4) Cross-Examination. (Note*) If you are auditioning as an attorney, you must do all four. If you are just auditioning as a witness, we ask that
you prepare two witnesses. That would be two Witness Monologues and two Cross-Examinations.
STEP 3: Practice, practice, practice! We want to see what you’re made of, so we recommend running your material a few times and trying to memorize it so we can see you at your best.
STEP 4: Attend your 15-minute tryout! This year’s tryouts will go from October 10th - October 13th and will be in-person at the UCLA Anderson School of Management G Building 6th floor Room G6.04/G6.30 (See map below). Give yourself 10 extra minutes to find the building and the room.
Tryout Application Form
Tryout Case Materials Packet
Tryout Location

Helpful Materials
Example of an Opening Statment